Selectoprobe™ polyHRP-Donkey Anti-Goat IgG Antibody Conjugate


Catalog No.: SP-F-0160


Selectoprobe™ polyHRP-Donkey Anti-Goat IgG Conjugate is designed to deliver the highest sensitivity and low background in immunoassays where sample volume is limited or when the target molecule is present at low levels. The polyHRP-Donkey Anti-Goat is purified to remove unconjugated goat anti-mouse IgG molecules that competes for binding sites with its HRP-conjugates. In addition, the conjugate is devoid of unconjugated HRP that can cause background signal. Selectoprobe™ polyHRP-Donkey Anti-Goat IgG is compatible with chromogenic, fluorogenic and chemiluminescent HRP substrates used in ELISA, Western blotting, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and nucleic acid hybridization assays.

Storage: Refrigerated (2-8 °C); Minimize light exposure


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Ruiz-Vega, Gisela and García-Robaina, Alicia and Ben Ismail, Manel and Pasamar, Helena and García-Berrocoso, Teresa and Montaner, Joan and Zourob, Mohammed and Othmane, Ali and Del Campo, F Javier and Baldrich, Eva, Detection of plasma MMP-9 within minutes. Unveiling some of the clues to develop fast and simple electrochemical magneto-immunosensors. Biosensors & bioelectronics (2018): 45-52